Friday, January 4, 2013

Parents, Students, and Staff,

I will be using this blog to keep everyone updated on the activities in the library and computer lab.  This year the Rapid City School District has combined the two jobs of Library Media and Standard Support into one job title "Information Media Specialist."  In the fall we have been busy with several different projects.  One of the main goals with every project is to use a series of "problem solving steps."  We call them the "Super 3" or "The Big 6" for older students.

The "Super 3" is plan, do and review.  The "Big 6" is broken down further into six different steps

1.  What do we need to do?
2.  What can we use to find what we need?
3.  What information should we use?
4.  How can we show what we've learned?
5.  How will we know if we do well?
6.  How do we know we are done?

In January we are starting a project involving "informational texts" and what's included: Cover page, Title Page, Body, Glossary, Index, Pictures (Captions).  Each group will be gathering information from non-fiction texts and using that information to create a "Book Trailer."  A book trailer is similar to a movie trailer.  It is a short advertisement for a book.  I have done fiction book trailers in the past and this year we will be completing "non-fiction book trailers." The following link shows the "fiction book trailers" done here at Corral 3 years ago:  Corral Drive Book Trailers

One other note, if you'd like to check out more books as a family, I can easily sign parents up as patrons of the Corral Library which allows you to come in and check out more books. Friday afternoon is the best time for me to check out families.

If you have any questions regarding the "Information Media" program at Corral Drive, please contact me at the Corral Drive Library or call 394-6789.

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