Friday, October 11, 2013

Staff and Parents,
This past month of September all students at Corral K-5 have been working on one basic "standard."  The standard was "Using the physical and virtual library to find books."  This standard is an on-going standard throughout their time at Corral.  They all have learned how to use Destiny to do a library search.  All of the 2nd-5th have learned how to log-in to "Destiny Quest" enabling them to put books on hold, put books in a personal list for future reading and to write short reviews of previous books they've read.  To log-in to Destiny Quest, our on-line library, the kids use their 5 + 3 + (000) in most cases. ex (sissodav000).  That would be repeated for their password allowing them the ability to do the above tasks.  The following link gets you straight to the Destiny Quest log-in site (Destiny Quest).  Ask your child/student how to get their from the RCAS site as well. This week we have worked on "storm stories."  Due to the recent storm I had students share their stories with me and I typed them into the following wikispaces site.  (Corral Elementary Storm Stories).  We have a few more grade levels to go so check back later.  Next week and for the next month we will be working on "genres."

If you have any questions, please call 394-6789.

Mr. David K. Sisson
Information Media Specialist
Corral Drive Elementary School
